I liked to draw the view I saw in the microscope. Eventhoght it was a bit time-wasting, I still enjoy the work. In my opinoin, drawing is more elaborate and particular. My classmates always derided my "hard working". They said,"It only takes a few second taking pictures, why you waste time in drawing?" I don't know how to answer. I think those who don't know the happiness in drawing cannot understand my meaning.
Following are the biology experiments we take in this semester.
This experiment is olein analysis. We observed the condition of water and oil's mixing to simulate the membrane's structure.

This experiment is chloroplast analysis. We used TLC,or thin-layer chromatography, to analyse kind of chloroplast in the sample.

This experiment is cell division. We observe the onion's calyptra cell divising and looking for the view of chromosome division. From left to right are chromosome division pathway, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. We used Acetobacter to stained the nucleus to help observing easier.

This experiment is Model Organism-
Drosophila. We observed the Drosophila's egg chamber and its ovariole. We use staing solution which contain X-gal in K3Fe(CN)6, K4Fe(CN)6 in PBS. Through staining, the target part looks blue, yellow, and green. In the picture, it is the ovariole at left, ovary at right.

We also observed various Drosophila's alleles. Professor gave each team five type of Drosophilas, OreR(wild type), w-, TM3Ser, CyO, and FM7Bar. I drew their appearance in my note book.

This experiment Model Organism-
Caenorhabditis elgans. We observed its imago's egg and observed the cell division before the egg is fertilized.
There are two type of Caenorhabditis elegans-hermaphroditism and male. We had to choose hermaphroditism which have eggs(ovum) and fertilized eggs. First, I and my teammate couldn't differentiate which is hermaphroditism and which fertilized egg have divised yet or not.
After "killing" six Caenorhabditis elegans, I finally differentiate which egg haven't divise yet.